I wish I had this book when I was little.
Understanding that brevity is the soul of wit, I was able to forgive all that you did not cover in the story. You failed to mention which particular trigger group the pig chose for his AR-15, or details about the barrel's twist rate. Also, I was hoping that you mention the after-action media reports featuring the wolf's mother saying that her son had been in a choir and was just about to leave for college to be a future astrophysicist. That would have been a good touch, but since I loved the story and it had a feel-good ending, I gave it five stars.
Buy 10 and give them to your liberal neighbor's kids when they aren't looking.
Thank you for making this.
Absolutely awesome please keep making more books that speak out against the Communists Democrats!
Fighting the absurdities and lies put forth, for political purposes, by people totally lacking in common sense and contact with reality; do not only serve the US, but the whole world! Many countries adopt whatever comes from the US as a fashion. Even the illogical, harmful and contradictory ideologies that go against everything that man has managed to build by shedding sweat and blood. Even against the science on which they dare to say they are based!
So thank you.
Amazing. My signed copy is awesome. My 8 year old son read it. He wants me to read it to him for story time. Amazing.
Best book ever written.
Great story, teaches the truth of society
Great book! taught some kids about self defense, Woke up next morning to the crime rate in my city plummeting after a group of vigilante school children ended all crime by using self defense measures. 10/10
Thank you so much for the video. If I could give more than 5 stars I would. I bought 2 signed copies that I’m waiting for. They will make excellent gifts and the donation to the FPC is just icing on the cake of truth that needs to be told. That first poor review says it all. “Everyone knows guns cause violence” like my AR is at home right now pissed off that I left the seat up a year ago and is going to shoot me when I walk in the door. What a dumbass.
Can’t wait for my book to arrive !!
The reading of this book was frankly the BEST YouTube video I have watched in weeks. Am ordering several copies of this book as gifts :)
This book is a travesty. It teaches nothing but hate hate hate. Everyone knows guns cause violence. Violence is wrong (except when perpetrated against whites or people of color with conservative values...because they are just white people with a various types of chocolate coatings). In this story the wolf is hungry and being deprived of his human rights by the selfish pigs. What other recourse does he have than to attempt to find food? He's a victim of a selfish capitalist society. But it's okay though because even though he's dead the wolf will still be able to vote Democrat.
Didn't buy it but I saw the video and thought it deserved this.
I shared this fine work of literature with my 3yr old son after reading it to him he paused and said "I think it's good the pig shot the wolf." So yes I'm happy with my purchase.
I thought this was cool at first. Read it to my son. The very next day, when I asked him to do his homework, he called me a statist and shot me in the head with a nerf dart. Sad.