Oathbreaking general calls for ban on all semi auto rifles

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  • By Write Winger
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Oathbreaking general calls for ban on all semi auto rifles

Yes, General, we do need weapons to protect us from likeminded political stooges like you who would call for the disarming of the citizenry with government guns.

Retired Four Star US Army General Barry McCaffrey took to Twitter over the weekend to call for a litany of gun control laws, including a ban on all semi automatic rifles.

“I have handled firearms my entire life. Hunter. Shooter. Collector. I do support ban on all semi automatic rifles with multiple round clips. Also bump stock weapons. Believe in back ground checks all weapons and waiting period to buy. TOO MANY MURDERS.”

I’m not sure how you can get to be a four star general and refer to a magazine as a “multiple round clip”, but he actually calls for all semiautomatic rifles to be banned, not just arbitrarily defined assault weapons. And then the juice nugget “bump stock weapons”... is he not aware that bump stocks are an add-on component? Or is it that he supports a ban on all semi automatic weapons because all semi autos can be bump fired? I doubt he got that far into the weeds with it; I’m still trying to get my head around his whole multi round clip thing.

Background checks and waiting periods... you mean where you’re considered a guilty and prohibited person until you pay the government to prove you’re innocent, and if you’re lucky enough to not be falsely flagged as prohibited then you have to wait 10 days to protect yourself when your life may very well be in danger? Thanks General!

I’d also like to thank him for helping to out his fellow oathbreakers, like Retired Chief of Police and US Army veteran John Pollinger, who responded:

“Agreed General. I too am a veteran and spent 30 years in law enforcement. I own hand guns and carry one as a retired law enforcement officer. Yet I never felt the need nor has anyone ever convinced me of the need for high powered military style rifles or high capacity magazines.”

At least he called them magazines. But he misspelled standard capacity, and I’m not sure he could tell you what a “low powered” rifle is. Maybe we should all stick to an AR10 with its 308 hunting round rather than an AR15 with its 556 high powered military round, amiright? Don’t @ me, it’s a joke.

If anyone still believes in the notion that the police and military would never enforce a gun ban... I don’t know what to tell you.

As for the general, he couldn’t understand why he was being dragged so hard by those who understand the need to have an armed deterrent to government tyranny.

“As a Veteran I am always appalled by the notion we need military grade firearms to protect us from our own government. Since ‘911’ our Armed Forces have suffered 60,000 killed and wounded protecting us from danger. A disciplined force of volunteers.”

Yes, General, we do need weapons to protect us from likeminded political stooges like you who would call for the disarming of the citizenry with government guns.

As for you bringing our killed and wounded Armed Forces into this, apparently that whole “they fought and died for our freedoms back at home” line used by people like you once a year on the 4th day of the 7th month when you pretend to celebrate liberty is complete bullshit since here you are advocating for the use of government force to deprive us of our freedoms that they supposedly fought and died for. Go stand on someone else’s grave to make your traitorous point, General. I suggest a few mass graves of those murdered by their own governments’ generals and their underlings who were just “following orders”.

I understand now why our Founders considered standing armies to be the bane of liberty. You would have been their General.


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