How CA gun owners helped write the AW regulations

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  • By Write Winger
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How CA gun owners helped write the AW regulations

It seems everyone wants to be the smartest person in the room. Ever since the Gunmageddon bills were signed into law by Governor Brown, people have been openly discussing how to find liberty in the laws (work arounds, "loopholes ...

It seems everyone wants to be the smartest person in the room. Ever since the Gunmageddon bills were signed into law by Governor Brown, people have been openly discussing how to find liberty in the laws (work arounds, "loopholes", whatever you want to call it) without heeding the advice of the actual smartest people in the room who have been telling everyone to shut up and wait until the regulations are written.

There's law, and then there's how the state is going to implement the law, which is what the regulations are. And we just got handed a 60 page pile of shit from the state that verbatim addresses all the "work arounds" we've thought up and talked about since the signage of these laws.

If you're not aware of it by now, there are state employees who actively monitor the same forums and groups you are a member of. If you're reading it, so are they. If you're talking about a work around that you believe complies with the word of the law BEFORE the regulations are written, you alerted them of your liberty-hole to close. They hadn't thought of it yet, but you did and you let them know, "Hey, don't forget to address THIS!" like kid who reminds the teacher right before the end of class that she forgot to pass out homework.

Of course the actual smartest people in the room are reading over the regulations, and of course there will be lawsuits challenging every aspect of the regulations that go far and beyond the word and scope of the law. But for their sake and ours, it would have been better for them to not have to fight a regulation we helped the state write in the first place.


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