What it will really take for gun grabbers to succeed

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  • By Write Winger
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What it will really take for gun grabbers to succeed

Arguing with gun control proponents is entertaining. While it may (will) cause high blood pressure and increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, and/or aneurysm, it also allows you to hone your own arguments as well as engage in the argument from their point of view, taking it to its logical conclusion.

Arguing with gun control proponents is entertaining. While it may (will) cause high blood pressure and increase your risk of stroke, heart attack, and/or aneurysm, it also allows you to hone your own arguments as well as engage in the argument from their point of view, taking it to its logical conclusion.

The main argument from gun grabbers is that “nobody needs an AR15” and that “private ownership of assault weapons of mass destruction and war has no place in a civilized society.”

Ok. Let’s accept that as their end goal - ending the private ownership of semi-automatic long guns.

First, Congress has to ban the sale, transfer, manufacture, and possession of them. Not in the way that California, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, etc have done, but a blanket ban on all semi-automatic long guns. Just, get it over with, no features or make/model ban, just ban them all. Great, we banned them! They’re against the law! Nobody can have them!

Ok, so now the government has denied us our right to keep (acquire, possess, transfer) and bear (lawfully use and carry) an entire class of arms. One constitutionally enumerated right down. But who cares about rights when children are dying and Jimmy Kimmel is crying, amiright? And you can still own other guns, just not THESE guns. So you’re not infringed.

But now, what do we do with the tens of millions of semi-automatic long guns currently owned? If we mean nobody needs an AR15 and private ownership of them needs to end, then we need to do what it takes. Current owners can still kill children, or somebody can take them and kill children. They need to be stopped!

Require everyone who owns them to turn them in. Deprive people of their liberty and property without due process. That’s two (or three if you count the 5A and 14A) more constitutionally enumerated rights down. But people, come on. Nobody needs rights when there’s lives at stake.

But how do you get people to turn them in? I got it, just make it part of the law that if you don’t, it’s a $250,000 fine and 10 years in prison like we did with machine guns. There, that’ll do it. Luckily, some states required these guns to be registered, so we know who has them. If they don’t turn them in after a specified date, we’ll send government employees with guns to their homes, arrest them, and throw them in the gulag... I mean... prison where they belong! And if they resist with their banned guns, they’ll be shot like the domestic terrorists that we’ll label them as in the media! Any of the rest of them we’ll pick off one by one at traffic stops or domestic disputes or house fires. They broke the law, and we’ll send them to prison too until the remaining stragglers are cowed into frightened compliance.

I know we right wing gun humpers go on and on about government tyranny, but we really have nothing to worry about when all these good hearted gun grabbers want to do is keep children from getting killed. They just want to deny us our rights and have armed government agents throw us in prison or kill us if we don’t give up our evil guns. Don’t you want to prevent more killing?

Seriously though, how else can this go? This is the reality of #gunsense, people. When faced with that reality, they either say things like, “I don’t support anything blatantly unconstitutional, but...” or they say, “Yes! The NRA and its members are terrorists! They should all be killed with their own guns!” This is what they want and how it will happen; there’s no other way to enforce it besides at the point of a government’s gun. Make sure they know it.

One day they’ll have the votes again, and it’ll be Diane Feinstein or Kamala Harris saying, “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in. The votes are finally there.”

Giving up your liberty and your property or giving up your life to defend it are the only options if they get what they want.


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